What is Capability Workshop?

Capability Workshop is an initiative by SME Centre@SICCI to support and facilitate small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in their effort to enhance their internal capabilities and boost productivity.

These workshops are conducted every month by business advisors from the centre and a range of experienced professionals.

What is Group Based Diagnostics?

Group Based Diagnostics (GBD) focuses on diagnostics for SMEs to identify areas for improvements. Gaps identified during the session, will be discussed with companies during advisory sessions to combat the issue at hand with support available.

The objectives of these sessions are to:

  1. Educate and equip SMEs with knowledge on various organizational functions
  2. Highlight potential areas for improvement through GBD sessions
  3. Build internal capabilities within an organization
  4. Enhance an SME’s competitive edge
  5. Boost productivity

SME Centre@SICCI is committed to engaging professionals in diverse sectors to educate organizations on a myriad of capability areas such as:

  • Financial Management
  • Human Resource
  • Marketing
  • Productivity
  • Internationalisation

All workshops and seminars conducted are complimentary for SMEs. Refer to the calendar of events and register yourselves now! 

We invite professionals with expertise in the above mentioned areas, to reach out to SME Centre if they are keen to explore speaking opportunities via