Business Advisory Services
Your First-Stop For Business Advisory… Today, Tomorrow and Beyond!
The SME Centre@Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SME Centre@SICCI) serves as a first-stop for Singapore-based companies that are looking to grow their businesses locally and overseas.
An initiative supported by Enterprise Singapore, we provide enhanced support to qualifying enterprises in one-on-one in-depth business diagnosis, accelerate digital transformation, talent development and internationalisation.
By identifying and working with promising local enterprises that demonstrates growth ambition and a good track record of growth, the SME Centre@SICCI assists to implement growth roadmaps, including referrals to relevant schemes and partners.
Setting up in Singapore
Whether you are a local or foreign company thinking of setting up, we are a one-stop gateway providing general information, tools, and services doing business in Singapore.
Recommending suitable Government assistance schemes
Not sure which initiatives and programmes you should tap on? Work with us to grow your business.
In-depth one-to-one business diagnosis
By conducting complimentary business diagnostics on enterprises, we are able to understand their current internal capabilities and challenges. This allows us to identify areas for improvement and implement roadmaps for growth. The company will then be able to develop short and long term strategies to improve effectiveness.
Educating business needs
Through organising regular capability workshops on business functions such as Financial Management, Human Capital Development, Marketing, Digital Transformation and Productivity, we pair up with subject matter experts to create a platform for enterprises to learn, innovate and apply into their daily business needs.

Group-based upgrading projects for businesses
We identify common issues that business owners are facing within the same trade or vicinity. To improve productivity and quality for their businesses, we work with technology and industry partners to meet their growth objectives.
Helping companies internationalise
Companies looking to expand overseas are linked up through market specialists and overseas centres of Enterprise Singapore. Where available, appropriate advisory on Government assistance schemes will be discussed.